Gender Equality

Gender equality index
FIDELIANCE has published the results of the professional equality index between women and men, resulting from the law on the Freedom to choose one's professional future (law n° 2018-771 of 5 September 2018).
For the year 2021,
the FIDELIANCE index is :
This index is based on 4 indicators.
The scores for each of these are as follows:
- Average gross annual pay gap indicator by socio-professional category and age group: 33/40
- Individual salary increase rate gap indicator: 35/35
- Proportion of employees who received a raise within one year of returning from maternity leave: 15/15
- Number of employees of the sex under-represented among employees receiving the highest remuneration:10/10
To find out more, please download the explanatory notice provided by the Ministry of Labour by clicking here.