
A business valuation is a complex procedure and key challenge. Our teams provide advice and support through various stages of business development and as your challenges will change, you will need to succeed at each stage of the business lifecycle.
We carry out diagnostic assessments relying on financial and extra-financial evaluations, followed by integration of environmental, social and governance criteriainto our analysis.
Additionally, through our international network CROWE, we can respond to your external growth opportunities.
- Value analysis for acquisitions and divestitures in coordination with legal, tax, and accounting teams
- Fairness opinions (in connection with public offers, or in the context of disputes between parties)
- Assessing contribution or transfer values and estimating merger parities in the context of divestiture (carve-out activities) or post-deal integration
- Valuation of intangible assets (trademarks, patents, business goodwill, etc.) in the context of intra-group transfers
- Documentation of the values retained with the relevant tax authorities and/or the contribution and merger auditors
- Transfer pricing documentation: functional analyses, recommendations on the methods and levels of arm's length margins to apply (benchmark analysis)
- Identification of intangible assets separable from goodwill under accounting standards
- Estimation of the fair value of tangible and intangible assets identified in accordance with the recommendations of accounting standards
- Allocation of residual goodwill to Cash Generating Units
- Valuation of Cash Generating Units in order to test goodwill
- Building flexible and robust financial models and raising awareness of risk areas
- Help with creation of strategic plans and different types of models
- Valuation of securities or complex financial instruments in conjunction with the implementation of management packages

Paul-Alexis SIA
Chartered Accountant
Certified Public Accountant

Chartered Accountant
Certified Public Accountant
Chairman of Fideliance Group